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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fourth Time's Even Charmier

Back in June after a slight mishap resulting in D shattering a CFL bulb, we decided to cover our exposed lightbulbs with cages. The $3 cages from Home Depot left a lot to be desired. Both in installation (we had to close the cages with twist ties because the fit wasn't perfect) and effectiveness (they were flexible plastic, so a forceful hit to the cage would probably still make contact with and shatter the bulb).
Thanks to a connection from my mom, we got access to a builders' supply company that offered much sturdier choices. So we upgraded to these sturdy metal cages that won't flex. Installation was a breeze and now we can ditch the twist-ties.
We've had these sitting in our basement since July and just finally put them up. We even got an extra to put around the exposed bulb in our walk-in closet. Not that I usually throw my clothes around violently enough to smash a bulb.

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