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Friday, December 6, 2013

The Nursery - In Use

You might have guessed from the long silence on this blog that we've been a little busy with baby! And indeed, our bundle of joy made an appearance just under two weeks ago. We're not quite ready to share pictures here, but we wanted to show you the finishing touches of the room that we made for her. She's not sleeping in there yet, but we are using the changing area to clean her up at night and are happy that it's such a cheerful place (which she probably doesn't care about yet, but it is nice for us at 2am...). Without further ado - the last decorating touches -

First the reading corner - grandma finished sewing the curtains and sent them to us just in time to hang them before baby. Those of you that participated in our poll will recognize them as the winning fabric - white and yellow stripes. They are nice and heavy with a lining that blocks some, but not all, the light and are much better quality than anything we could find pre-made at a store. The rocking chair also looks cute in homemade flannel cushions covered with little zoo animals, also courtesy of grandma.
Because I can't have a whole post about a baby and not provide any baby pictures, here's one of me when I was a baby. Note the elephant - same one as in our nursery on the blue shelf. Washed and restuffed with fresh polyfill, but otherwise same guy that welcomed me home from the hospital.
On this wall, a lovely quilt from friends in Hawaii hangs on the wall on some quilt hangers from Etsy:
And on this wall - another curtained window plus some framed library posters from a school book campaign, courtesy of another friend. Here's the view we get to enjoy during late-night diaper changes, since she's sleeping in our room but getting changed here in the nursery.
We couldn't have done it without everyone's help. The room looks so much more finished and full - and the walls are much less intensely green thanks to the wall art.

Obviously we are going to be a little busy for a while, but don't give up on us. We'll continue updating this blog when we find a free moment. We still have a few projects to tell you about from before baby and a few more in the works.

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