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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our Guest Bedroom

The furniture currently in our bedroom in our tiny apartment is going to be used in the guest room in our new house. For a few months though, we'll sleep in this so-called guest room while we slowly accumulate the furniture for our new bedroom. The paint colors and decor, then, have to match the reds of our current curtains and bedspreads as well as the stain on our wood furniture. This is the existing decor we're working with:

D and I both like bold colors and I somehow managed to convince him that purple wouldn't necessarily be disastrously feminine. On our families' advice, we're relying on Sherwin Williams paints. We were lucky to catch some sales on Duration, their best paint (I also like that it's low VOC and relatively green). Here are the colors we went with:

The one on the left is called Mythical. The name evokes a little girl's fantasies of unicorns and princesses. Not helping my argument that purple can be genderless. On the right is Samovar Silver. We decided on that one after considering a few different off-whites and grays.

We used the purple on an accent wall and gray for the other walls, with white ceiling and trim. I'm having trouble visualizing if purple is the best complementary color for the burgundies and reds in our curtains and bed spread, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. I'll post before and after pictures of our room once I can get to my camera again (computer's at the apartment, camera's at the house). This weekend we are painting up a storm. The office and the living room are getting a face lift too, and I'll post the details to them later.

1 comment:

ten said...

I'm not entirely certain about purple and burgundy; very lush. I LOVE the silver, however.