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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Guest Bedroom, part 2

Last week was crazy and we painted 3 rooms. I'll save the other two for a different post and put up more pictures of the guest room. D is still not convinced that the colors will go with our burgundy decor, but if it doesn't match then we'll just buy some new curtains and a new bedspread (I'm thinking deep teal--I love dark colors). It's more important that we like the room colors.

You can go back to here to see pictures of the bedroom before we started painting, but here's a reminder:


We primed and also tested 3 colors for our lighter walls, called--from top to bottom--Samovar Silver, Nuance, and Knitting Needles (those who know me and my hobbies may realize that when faced with many shades of similar colors, I am apparently drawn to names).

We spent at least an hour taping before priming and painting, only to realize 1.) that you should not tape before priming, especially in our case, where the previous painters were sloppy and the burnt orange had crept onto the baseboards, door frames, and ceiling. We missed those spots with primer because of the tape and had to go back anyway after we pulled the tape off. And 2.) that freehand painting with a nice beveled brush gave us a much better edge than the tape anyway.

Without further ado, here are the finished walls. Since these pictures were taken, we also painted the trim white:

Now we just need some furniture...


ten said...

That is really lovely! Good job!

J said...

Thanks! We are very proud. And relieved that painting is done for a little while.