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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Underground part 2

Just when you thought it was safe to dig in your yard...The cloth EMERGES from underground.....

OK, so I'm trying to channel a spooky Halloween vibe here, but the point is that after digging up landscape cloth from a huge chunk of our yard close to the shed last fall and this spring, we found another giant swath of it. Yet again, we started with "hm....the grass really isn't growing very well here. Time to turn over the soil and try again." It's fall, which is a good time to get grass to grow. Except what was supposed to be a "15-minute project while the kids watch cartoons" for a weekend morning turned into this:
So much cloth. It was everywhere, about 2 inches underground, and so hard to dig up (I say this like I was helping but I think I was still in pjs with a cup of tea at about this time).
Here's the overhead view of how much lawn (well, weeds) had to get dug up--how much soil had to be turned over just to get rid of the landscaping cloth. Now it is seeded and covered in fertilizer and hopefully will grow back thicker and happier now that the roots can extend deeper into the ground.
We are still totally confused what the previous owners were thinking. And every time we think we find it all, the landscaping cloth comes lurking back...

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