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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Indoor 2019 Goals

This year, with no time to actually do anything, my goal nonetheless is to continue on my quest for organization. Two disastrous closets remain, and I would love to turn them into something pretty.

The first is in the basement, under the stairs. It is a catch-all for wrapping paper and accessories, a steam vacuum, the cat carrier, some tennis rackets, and who knows what else. The shelves are attached and I feel like the real problem here is not the closet itself, but finding other homes for some of this junk and shopping IKEA and the Container Store to find solutions to categorize and corral the junk. Since it's usually just out of sight/out of mind, I like to forget that this mess is down there. But it's probably time to do something about it.
The bigger closet disaster is harder to forget, because I go in there at least every week or two for clean sheets and towels. Our linen closet, at the top of the stairs, was never a beauty, but after the additional duct work that was installed in 2015, we just utterly gave up even pretending to have a system. I might finally have gotten to the point where I can't handle it anymore.
So here's the problem. Both these goals, plus the "reach" goal of a deck/patio, were our house goals for last year, too (and, in some cases, even the year before).  Oh well, it's still good to have goals.

1 comment:

ten said...

Decades into my housekeeping I read somewhere about the benefits of storing things where they are used. TP, tissues, towels, and cleaning supplies in each bathroom, etc. I cleared off shelf space in each bedroom closet for the sheets and extra blankets for that room, and suddenly I had freed up a closet! The linen closet became the arts & crafts closet, and I never looked back.