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Sunday, May 27, 2018

The ants are back, again

Last year, like every year lately, we got ants. The difference was that D discovered the only effective solution to-date to get rid of them. This year, they snuck up early and in an unexpected spot - the living room front door area, where we keep the kids' jackets and the diaper bag. What were they after? You may have guessed it - food in the diaper bag. Guess those boxes of raisins are no match for ants.

D had kept the solution he'd made last year, containing water, sugar, Borax, and cotton balls. He put one along their path.

They flocked to it within minutes, and the problem, like so many others like it, became worse before it got better.
Fortunately we left town for 3 days, leaving the doors to the cubbies open and freshly washed and the cotton ball in place. Just a single cotton ball.

We came back from our trip - NO ANTS! None. They gobbled up the poison, brought it back to their friends, and that was that.

That night, we found another little path back in their usual location, next to the kitchen oven. I forgot to take a picture evidently, but they got the same treatment. Next day - no ants. This stuff is amazing. And while Borax isn't exactly safe for kids, in the small quantities used on the cotton ball and compared to real pesticides, this is a pretty good solution. The bottle is well-labeled and out of reach in the garage of course.

Be gone, ants!

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