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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Oh deer!

Last fall after our rope hammock pretty much disintegrated, I splurged on this beautiful blue Hammaka 2-person hammock (more like one adult plus one-to-two squirmy children):
I liked it so much I even remembered to take it in in the winter.

It made it through spring and half of summer beautifully - the colors hadn't faded yet despite being in the sun pretty much from 11am to sunset. I actually enjoyed sitting in it (when it was 95 and humid out there). And then this week we noticed this when we went outside:

Multiple individually ripped ropes and even some nibbles to the cloth itself. What the heck! The only thing we can think of is deer. Did it need more fiber in its diet?

I'm curious for suggestions on what I can do to prevent this. I really want to buy another but at $65 each, I'm not on the market for deer food. Nor am I willing to bring it in nightly. Please help!

(Our neighbor's solution to the deer problem in his garden - assuming that's what it is in this case - was to apply for a permit to build an extra high fence. While I would like to enjoy my hammock in peace, I'm not quite that desperate.)

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