Please share your opinions and expertise since we need all the help we can get!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What is to be done?

I'm trying not to hyperventilate when I look at the toy disaster in the office and trying to find it funny that one of the only times I got no comments on a blog post was my last post when I asked for help on how to organize it. I take this to mean that no one has ever found a good solution to the chaos created by small children (except making one room a "play room" and just ignoring the problem).

We had one or two ideas since then, turning, as usual, to Ikea. We thought about using a Kallax (successor to the ever-poplar Expedit) and baskets, to as least corral the small toys, books, and craft items. Since we also want to make this a usable standing desk space, we are considering getting this unit (plus a few more to each side two or three squares high).

The problem then is that the desk sticks out into the room. D has argued that we could put larger toys underneath, but that doesn't keep them out of sight (my goal) and takes up an awful lot of the floor.

I suggested sticking just to the Kallax, on its side, and then a converting standing desk for a laptop like this:

But D thinks they are ugly (I don't really care how they look, but I appreciate that he does).

So, toy storage plus standing desk. No more ideas. Between that and the linen closet upstairs that is a complete mess, I've been debating paying money for professional help, like this from the Container Store. I'm still not sure how I feel about that though - paying someone else to come up with an idea that I can probably do myself (eventually) with the help of Pinterest and other internet decorating sources. Has anyone ever paid professionals to help them organize? I'd be interested to hear about your experiences. Also still seeking ideas for the problem area itself, if you have any thoughts.

1 comment:

roe said...

I have no experience organizing for children (unless husbands count there) but I do have a friend who paid professional organizer. She said everything looked great at first, but then failed. It was the organizer's solution, not hers, so in the end, it just didn't work for her. If you pay someone, make sure they really pay attention to you and how you will really live/use. But I agree, you could likely find great ideas on pinterest or houzz and adapt what works for you.