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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Breezeway 5: drywall!

Progress has slowed, as we expected. Now there's drywall, which was a very dramatic change to come home to, but what followed was (is - it's still ongoing) the time consuming process of covering up the seams and holes. So on Wednesday we came home to this white space:

 Then Thursday was this:

Friday they added a little more:
Not all the seams are filled, so I assume we'll come home to a similar scene tomorrow.

They've also started pulling up the vinyl in the kitchen, but I'll save the pictures until we get a few more as they make progress. The wood should be delivered this week to sit around for "conditioning."

On a completely unrelated note just to document it, we finally replaced our carbon monoxide detectors. They don't last much more than 5 years and ours lasted about 6.5 before they started complaining to us. Hopefully by mentioning it now, I'll be able to track the next round as well.

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