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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Breezeway 10: attic interlude

Progress on the room went backwards throughout the week and then slowly forwards until it looks almost like it did before the massive destruction (except the floors, those are going in tomorrow). They pulled the trim off all the doors, lowered the doors, put up the trim again and filled in the 3/4'' at the top, repainted, etc. They ripped up the kitchen floor all the way to the basement ceiling and then laid down boards again for the weekend so that we could walk on it.

But all that is boring for pictures, so I thought I'd give you a tour of our new ATTIC!

As a last minute addition to the project, we realized when the breezeway ceiling was removed that we had so space between the roof and the ceiling - perfect for an attic. So our builder cut a door in our garage ceiling, put in some steps, frame it, and voila - instant storage space!

There's plenty of room to go into and out of the house door to the garage while the stairs are down, which was important to us. We can't open the actual garage door with the stairs down, but that seemed a lot less useful. Having the access in the front is helpful given how crowded our garage usually is.

We decided on the "cheap" option when our builder laid out the various ways they could open up the space, which was basically to lay down some plywood, rather than pay extra for sturdy flooring. So for now we're limited to storing only relatively light things and only for a portion of the space. Later we can easily build a more sturdy floor and over more area.

As a bonus that was in our original attic project, our builder had the electrician put in a light with an actual switch near the door - we hadn't even thought to ask for lighting, assuming we'd just use batter power when we needed to get up there. It's really quite a nice space (if it weren't so hot - but then, it is late July). We're excited that we finally have a place to store things we rarely need - I'm thinking holiday decorations and housing supplies that don't need climate control (our old ceiling fan, extra bathroom tile, etc.).

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