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Monday, December 7, 2015

A Place for Everything (and everything in our place)

It's that busy time of year when we don't actually have time update the blog because we're too busy decorating, raking, or shopping. None of those are really blog-worthy anyway.

But one lingering conundrum we're having in this season of gifting - TOO MUCH STUFF!
Our living room AND basement are loaded up with toys - both annoying small ones that come in pieces (blocks, crayons, puzzles, doctor kit, train) and big ones that take up a lot of space (foam wedges, slide, basketball hoop).

We're trying to figure out the best way to take our rooms back. A longer term plan, that we'll start looking into this winter, is to convert our sun room into a finished playroom. But for now, we'd just like our floors clear. We clean up every night but even when everything is "away," it's still cluttered.
We cleared a shelf in the office and started putting at least some of her toys there - trains on the right, doll accessories and puzzles on the left, plus some of her favorite books (the rest are upstairs in her room which is full to the brim with toys too).
Thanks to a disciplined daycare, the toddler understands the idea of "cleaning up" and we're working on taking out just one thing at a time. But there's still the matter of simply not having enough space (or at least not enough hidden space). We don't have the room or inclination to buy a separate piece of dedicated toy storage like this, since we want it to blend into our decor, but we could use some ideas.

Moms and dads out there, what works for you (besides just owning less stuff, which is also a very good option but rather impossible thanks to too many generous grandparents)?

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