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Monday, September 29, 2014

Grass everywhere!

The cleared area isn't just covered in straw anymore! It's turning green!
As a reminder, here's how it looked a few weeks ago:
We are thrilled. There are some bare patches still, but it's definitely better than we could have ever expected.

On the landscaper's suggestion, we trimmed a few low branches on our oak and magnolia trees too, to let a little more light in (in the case of the magnolia) and just to make things look nice.

It's not much, but do you see a little hint of fall:
Our baby tulip tree is starting to turn into autumn foliage. It's much bigger brothers are starting as well, but that's a bit high for our camera.

Busily doing some work in the house - or actually, breaking things, buying things, and hiring someone else to do them. He comes tomorrow and then I should have some new updates for you. Because, you know, who doesn't love a broken garbage disposal....

To be continued!

1 comment:

Mom said...

The yard looks great. And huge. D is going to need a sit down mower soon with all that grass. Yeah for grass......