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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why didn't I think of that?

One of those random so-called "life-hacks" on one of those stupid meme sites that makes the rounds on Facebook actually paid off this week. It was so simple that the minute I saw it, I felt silly for not thinking of it myself.

In literally minutes, we turned this:
 Into this:
(yes, the picture was taken the following morning, but only because it took me some time to load it up with supplies, not because of installation time)

The shelves in this closet don't go all the way to the door, providing plenty of clearance for putting something on the door without stopping it from closing. Maybe the architects anticipated something like this.

Standard $10 over-the-door shoe rack, trimmed to fit (they seem to all be 19'' but our door is so narrow that we cut one column off), hung with nails using a molly bolt (there wasn't enough clearance at the top to put the brackets over it and we needed a molly because the doors are hollow inside). 20 minutes or less.

We aren't putting some things in there that are particularly heavy or anything that specifically makes sense under the sink (like dishwashing detergent, stove cleaner, etc.) but all the lighter weight cleaning supplies now live here. I didn't take a "before" picture under the sink, but trust me, this is a huge improvement:

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