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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Greased Lightning!

So a fact about our systematic, hydromatic, ultramatic microwave and vent - it gets greasy! Sure, we swipe a dishcloth over the vent every day or two, but the grease just builds up from our various adventures with sautéing, simmering, and stewing.

One Sunday morning, when I realized a dishcloth and some detergent wasn't going to cut it, we decided it was time to take more dramatic action to avoid causing a grease fire in our kitchen. It was sort of a spontaneous choice, so please excuse me for forgetting the "before" pictures. But our in progress pics should give you some idea of now gross the vents were. Here's the naked microwave - vent removed from the top and (you can't see it in the picture) the bottom

After two baths in hot water and detergent, the water stopped resembling the color of raw sewage. The top vent didn't quite fit in the sink, so we moved it around periodically to soak the whole piece.
While the vents were off, we wiped off the permanent fixtures - dish soap was the clear winner here. That stuff does definitely cut through grease, just like the ads all say. Here's everything drying, all clean and shiny (relatively). It took almost all day before they were dry enough to reassemble.
Fortunately everything snapped back into place (we were nervous something would snap off or not fit or something). Now that it's a lot less dingy, I've had a much easier time wiping it down to keep it clean.
Who knows...maybe we'll be brave enough to clean the oven one day soon. It has a self-cleaning setting but we aren't quite convinced we won't set the house on fire.

(Excuse the short, rather random post. We've been spending almost every waking, non-working minute out in the yard, so I've been gathering up information to post on that. But the yard and garden spring clean-up is taking forever and I didn't want to keep you waiting longer than I already had. And anyway, I made up for the delay with some 1970s musical kitsch, so it's not all bad.)

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