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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring has sprung?

So, literally, this happened overnight:
No buds yesterday, pretty pink flowers today. Do you know what that means?

Yard work.

Is it sad that lovely blooms evoke only pain and dread for me?

And despite all the work we paid to have done, it looks like we have a lot to do. The squirrels dug up holes all around our yard and garden. None of the new grass has grown - and in fact the lawn is looking very sparse and muddy, and some stray spurge is taking over the garden where the phlox should be growing. I'm thinking that besides clearing out the overgrown areas in the back of the house, the professional gardening and lawn work wasn't worth it. We'll see over the coming months. But in the meantime, our work is only just beginning...



roe said...

It never ends....

Mom said...

Yes, come on Spring. Can't wait to get my hands dirty. Love to see things flower and get colorful.
I'll try to get over to help you if possible.