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Monday, October 29, 2012

Tree take-down

I have to confess something. The whole time I've been blogging about our heating system, we've actually been shelling out some serious moolah for another big project. This year we decided to call in some professional help with our yard. We've spent 4 autumns in this house trying to get the yard and garden into shape with minor results. And we really haven't enjoyed it. We were on the fence about whether to hire someone when we noticed that we had one tall dead tree and one half split dead tree. This wasn't a job for a friend - we needed real arborists.

We figured if we were going to hire people anyway, we might as well go for the whole deal. Today I'll show you the tree work, but I have a few more stories saved up on the other projects we had done. Unfortunately for this blog (but fortunately for our sanity), the landscapers did all their work during the day while we were at work. So the pictures aren't particularly dramatic - I would have loved to have gotten some while they were taking off the branches.

Instead, after one day of work, they had this waiting for us in the evening:

After the second day of work, those giant logs were gone and only this remained - a neatly stacked pile of tiny logs for our fireplace.
Oh, and the two large stumps, since stump removal would have cost a lot. Since the trees were in the back corner of the yard in our rather unmaintained area, we decided leaving the stumps in place was preferable to paying over $1000 to remove them.

1 comment:

ten said...

I bet you're glad they're gone now! Nothing like a dead tree and 75 mph gusts of wind...