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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another unwelcome present

I mentioned on Monday that we planned to let the cats into our breezeway to scare away mice with their scent and presence. Little did I know how effective their presence would actually be. Last night after work we let our cats out. One wanted to come in immediately but the other, more of a hunter, decided to hang around. Five minutes later we heard some noises and then got this little show outside the door to our kitchen:
 He could not understand why we wouldn't open the door and let him in to show off his prize:
It took a little work getting him to drop the mouse (we had to sneak in from a different door and tempt him with lots of treats) but he finally let go. He was so proud of himself the rest of the evening. We were proud of him too, though a little disgusted.

Not exactly the humane trap we planned, but it sure worked...


Nan said...

Don't be surprised this fall when I ask if I can borrow a cat :-)

Mom said...

Good kitty. At least he works for his keep.