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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Post

A few things on the horizon and a few things pending has slowed the pace of this blog a bit lately. But I thought I'd take advantage of this extra February day to briefly list a few teasers for topics over the next few weeks:

1. We had an HVAC person come out and try to suggest some solutions as to why our house heats so unevenly. He was so stumped that after more than 2 hours, he had to move on to the next job and said he'd think about it and talk with us later...

2. Next weekend we are going to begin to do an amateur renovation of the main floor bathroom, including re-grouting and paint touch-ups.

3. I have at least two pieces of furniture that I want to try to paint, since I had such good results with the gray living room dresser. It just has to get nice enough out for me to want to drag them out and sand them.

4. One day I'd like to get around to picking a decor for the basement and a color to paint the wall that we had to patch after the chimney people fixed our furnace flue.

5. Lots of cleaning!!!! The rooms we don't use much, particularly the garage, basement and the breezeway, are really a mess.

6. As an addendum to the basement cleaning, we bought a fiberglass wrap for our water heater last spring and *still* have not attached it. I know we missed most of winter, when the insulation would make the most difference, but this is still on the to-do list.

In a completely unrelated note (not that I would really call this post particularly well-organized and thematic), someone stole our compost bucket this week! We participate in a residential compost pick-up, so we have a hermetically sealed bucket for compost that we bring to the curb each week. And this week it wasn't there when we got home from work! Seriously who steals a compost bucket!?

Hope you enjoyed your extra day! See you in March!


Lauren said...

Hippies...they steal compost buckets...there is a real epidemic of hippies right now. You have to watch out.

J said...

Thanks, Cartman! ;)