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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Days 7 and 8: Tile, slowly

New year, new bathroom. Well, almost...Our walls are starting look like something! Yesterday I cam home to tiles separated by spacers for a little under 4 feet of wall on all 3 shower walls.

I had expected more progress today, but I guess placing tile is slow-going. But the glass accent tiles, also known as the listello, are in place, as are the bull-nose tiles along the edge. It's starting to come together!

I happened to open up the door to the spare room, which the contractors have been using as their work space. I'm glad I did! Check out the giant contraption they brought upstairs! I guess it's the tile cutter--pretty scary looking. I'm glad we have the pros doing this job. A giant mixer drill (for the mortar I assume?) was resting alongside the cutter, also looking pretty intimidating.

We learned that our exterior shower wall is apparently at a strange angle from the floor. Our designer called to tell us that with the current arrangement, we probably could never get a glass door, because the frame wouldn't fit properly. I don't know what would have happened if we did plan to get a door like we originally considered. Maybe they would have had to strip back to the studs again and do something weird with the way they put up the cement board with spacers? Anyway, it's not a visible flaw, so at least everything looks pretty.

Oh, and we may have a relatively inexpensive solution to our ventless vent fan problem. But I'll wait to reveal that when a few more details get ironed out. I don't want to jinx it.

Our designer thinks we could be done as early as next Tuesday! It still looks like we have a long way to go, but maybe all the rest is the easy part.

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