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Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Bathroom: Highlights Edition

You know, Highlights. The children's magazine where you have to figure out what's different about two almost identical pictures. But don't worry, these work for kids of all ages.

Our first picture--the bedroom wall:

They replastered, sanded, primed, and repainted beautifully!

Next, a more challenging one:

Yes, after a couple of days with the new shower, we decided that despite our contractor's recommendation, we really wanted a second shelf. So they came back to put a new one in (we paid extra, since by then we had already agreed that one was better and they were already done the job).

And finally, let's end on an easy one:

We have curtains, both of the window and shower variety!

But we still have work to do--the wall behind the toilet is still completely empty. Most of the drawers and the medicine cabinet are still mostly empty. And I still haven't figured out an elegant solution to our toothbrush chargers. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest that you just stop brushing your teeth. It's really over-rated and your next project can be pretty veneers to go with your pretty bathroom.