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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Days 3 and 4: Plumbing, Electric, and Backerboard

Two noisy days later and we're still in the early stages of the remodel. Yesterday they moved the GFCI outlet away from the switches, closer to the vanity, and they put up backerboard on the vanity/toilet wall.
Today they plastered the seams on that wall and pulled out the old insulation from the exterior wall.
We also got our first hint of what the bathroom will look like when they brought in our pretty new tub! No more pink!
There was a tiny setback last night when we noticed some new copper plumbing extending up to where a typical shower head should be installed, despite the fact that we are getting a special slide bar system with the water hose offset to the side. A quick call to the designer to check in and today the plumbing was rerouted to its proper location off to the left:
One additional (more costly) setback--the vent fan on the ceiling has been removed to reveal that there is no duct work venting to the outside. The fan is just pulling the humidity into the attic. Building a pipe to the outside was not included in our contract but it was something we anticipated we might need, so now we just have to find out how much our crew will charge for the additional labor and materials and decide what to do.

By now our team of contractors have almost completely taken over the extra room to store materials and cut them to size. They put up plastic to protect the few pieces of furniture we have in there, but I'm really glad we've kept that room mostly empty and unpainted..

On a completely unrelated note and in response to a comment from this post, here is my adorable King Kong kitty doing his best beached whale impression. You can see how the fat rolls completely envelop the poor villagers.

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