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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Home, Defended

This is a random post that I actually started drafting almost two months ago, but I waited to post until we could assess the results. At least sort of.

We started getting so many spiders and creepy crawlies in our house in late summer that in mid-September, despite my aversion to pesticides and chemicals, we decided to follow my parents' advice and use this:
It comes with a little hose that you use to spray the solution all around the foundation area of the house, as well as cracks along windows and doors--anywhere something can get in. We did our whole house and still have over half left in the jug.

Did it help? Well, it's hard to say. At first, I saw no change at all. I figured that's because the buggies and spiders had already gotten inside before we sprayed. After a little while, "sightings" did indeed begin to taper off, but was it the Ortho or the cold? Who knows. We'll have to try it again in spring and see if we notice a difference.

On an only slightly different note: what's the word on drain pipes? I'm pretty sure a lot of spiders came up through the shower and tub drains, because I kept finding them in the bathroom, in the tub, and in the shower (that made for one horrifying cleaning experience!). Is it just that they gravitate there from elsewhere because it's cool and damp, or do they really get in that way? Do I even want to know?


ten said...

Mr. Internet says spiders don't come up drains - in fact, with modern drains, they can't. They live in the house all the time, and are thirsty. When they drop down into a sink or tub after that elusive single drop of water, they often can't climb back out. More myths here:

J said...

Fascinating website! I knew that plumbing is constructed with a water barrier, but the large quantity of spiders I find in bathrooms made me start to wonder. Thanks!

J said...

It also suggests that since these critters are "house" spiders, coating the perimeter probably won't help much. Yick. Guess it's just a necessary evil in August/Sept.