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Monday, September 5, 2011

Fiber Snob 2

A continuation from this post about fibers (I did warn you that it was a trilogy).  Today I'm not going to talk much about home decor or maintenance, but a cool housekeeping gadget I found. It's all house-related somehow or other...

Because I love natural fibers that don't take kindly to the high temperatures and tumbling of a dryer, I've been forced to find other solutions. Dry cleaners are expensive, time-consuming, and just plain gross (not to mention bad for the environment). Plus natural fibers like wool and silk have been around a lot longer than dry cleaners. So regardless of what the tag says (and this goes for clothes as well as pillow covers, blankets, duvets, etc.), I just use a gentle detergent and a tub or sink of water. Works wonders...

We have an elaborate network of drip drying racks, flat net platforms, and other contraptions in the basement to air dry these things, but it's pretty awkward. Enter my new best friend:
The most awesome part about this is that it seems to average about $50 online at places like Amazon, but I got it, of all crazy places, on sale at CVS for $5. Yes, FIVE. Not fifty...OK, it doesn't come with the clothes hanger. But still.

So basically the contraption has four net shelves (which alone would typically cost about $5-10 a piece) and a fan that blows air across them to dry everything more quickly. Sorry I'm only showing two, but imagine two more stacked on top:
It is also a new favorite kitty hiding place.
Just pretend it has clothes or pillow shams on it. (It was actually drying some bras, i.e. just not something I wanted in the picture, which is why it's bare.) And it collapses into practically nothing.
I figured even the net racks alone were worth the $5 but I have to say, the fan is really helpful and will come in especially handy this winter for big bulky sweaters, which always take days to dry.

Worth $5? You betcha! Worth $50? Well, actually, I think, surprisingly, yes. And of course, I'm not being paid by Hamilton Beach for the endorsement (though I wouldn't mind a little compensation, hint hint :) ).

On a totally unrelated note, please do leave a comment on our sump pump post if you have any advice whatsoever. It seems like the only solution out there is to add a complete battery back up pump system, which means having a whole new sump drilled. No thank you. I hope we're missing a different, cheaper solution!

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