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Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Good Workout

It's a good thing that I find raking oddly fun and rewarding, because we've been doing a lot of it lately. Today I raked the front yard for the second time and helped D in the backyard rake the piles he created with the leaf blower onto the tarp. We hauled 7 tarp-loads from the backyard to the curb, in addition to what I had already pushed there from the front  (thank goodness for curbside leaf pickup). See how pretty our frontyard looks? And all the leaves on the curb?
Here's another view to help you appreciate the quantity of leaves we hauled:
While raking, we also took care of a few other winter necessities. D brought in the hoses while I shut off the water to the outside and put our little faucet booties on the spigots:
And if that wasn't a good enough workout today, we also bought and lugged home (with the help of some amazing friends) a treadmill! I'm building quite an exercise facility in the basement. I think, however, that I might be too sore for the next few days to use it. Raking wakes up muscles I didn't know existed!

We're also doing a few indoor projects, but I'll save those for another post.


Anonymous said...

Do you really get to just rake them to the curb and don't have to bag the leaves? Nice. Luckily we back up to woods so we use a tarp and take them there. Some of my neighbors bag leaves but it seems like a waste plus very time consuming.


J said...

Yup, to the curb. But only for a few pickups between October and December. Now if we have any more leaves, we have to bag them.