Please share your opinions and expertise since we need all the help we can get!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Giving the Hallway Some Character

So I was finally sick enough of our rather soulless hallway to start shopping for a new rug and implement our wall hanging idea. Here is a reminder of what our hallway looked like before:

Pretty blah. And fairly dangerous since that runner was actually two rugs, so there was a spot in the middle that could trip someone.

Now, it's not so dramatic as some of our changes, but I like what we did this week to improve things. First, a new rug from for under $100 plus, like, $10 for the rug pad:

Much prettier and much less treacherous than before. Also the cat really seems to like it and spends a lot of his time rolling around on it. Bonus!

Second, we figured out a way to hang pictures without doing much damage to the walls. D tapped little nails into the corners and we strung various bits of yarn along them to hold pictures. This way, D can display his hobby: photography, and I can (sort of) display mine: knitting. Also I get a few photos too. The plan is to change these out whenever we want, including for Christmas cards next month or other holiday themes throughout the year:

Hopefully the nails will stay put!

So we're still missing a little table, but at least the hallway has more personality. We decided that we want a small corner quarter circle or triangle table but I'm having trouble finding the exact words to search for one online. The best I could find are on Amazon, but they seem too expensive for what is probably pretty shoddy quality:
Home Star

Suggestions, as always, are encouraged. (Please? Pretty please?)


Anonymous said...

Love the rug. Good idea with the pictures also.

ten said...

LOVE that rug!

I've seen tables like that in "antique" stores (the kind that look more like an attic than a museum).

There's a fun one up the road from work a ways, if you want to kill an afternoon some day.