Please share your opinions and expertise since we need all the help we can get!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Time to Clean Those Pearly Whites

No, this hasn't suddenly become a blog about dentistry. But just like my teeth get dingy (I'm an avid tea-drinker) and need professional cleanings twice a year, I think my porcelain sink is crying out for help. With so much contradictory advice on the Internet, I thought I'd turn to my readers.

My current sink-cleaning routine involves daily scrubbing with a regular soft sponge and Soft Scrub with Baking Soda. It does a pretty good job to convince me that there are no more icky residues to attract creepy crawlies. It removes some stain if I use a lot of elbow grease. However, staining and other gunk must have built up over time because now no matter how much scrubbing I do, the bottom looks gross:

Time for the toothbrush?

What do you use to get rid of stains in your porcelain sink (or, if you have stainless, any general advice would be useful). The web suggests varied solutions like lemons, vinegar, toothpaste (see, there's the connection to teeth), bleach (but others say that bleach will definitely ruin my sink!), alum, and baking soda. They also differ on what kind of sponge to use (I'd like to use something with a little built-in abrasion, but don't want to do permanent damage).


((Also another request to the five of you still reading my blog--I sometimes feel like I'm sending these posts into the ether and that nobody is there to read them. I keep this blog as a record for myself but also because it's fun to share my rather mundane life with others. If you're out there, please leave me a comment, even if it's just an anonymous "hello."))


Anonymous said...

Hi :) I haven't seen J since probably 2000, but I like reading about houses and home improvement projects, so I read :)

As for the sink, it sounds like most of the things people are suggesting are slightly acidic, which should work well if the stains are mineral deposits. From my (very limited) perspective, it couldn't hurt to try the natural suggestions (lemon, vinegar, baking soda), as they seem unlikely to do any permanent damage.

Good luck!

ten said...

I grew up using a powder called Bon Ami (with a logo of a just-hatched chick and the motto "hasn't scratched yet!") on a wet sponge to clean our kitchen sink. I remember thinking it worked great, but I don't remember trying to remove stains with it. They still sell it and it's cheap to find out if something that simple would work.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so you realize that the reason the sink is so stained is because it already is scratched from others' cleaning methods. So sorry to say you have to get the regular cleaners out. Comet works best for me. First wet the sink, then sprinkle Comet all over it. Let it sit about five minutes, then SCRUB with a Dobie Pad (found near the sponges in the supermarket. Understand to keep it clean do this whenever you see the dirt is getting into the scratches again.
Natural is nice, but I like my old fashion chemicals to get the job done well.

Anonymous said...

Barkeeper's Friend is pretty amazing at this.

Anonymous said...

I'm here, but I have no suggestions because my sink is incredibly stained.