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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dead wood

Last fall, we noticed that our one-year-old maple trees were being ripped apart by rutting deer. We took action quickly by wrapping them in plastic tubing. Well, sadly, we were too late, at least for the one in the back yard. After 18 months in its new home, it is dead as a doornail. Or a dead tree. We looked up about a week and a half ago and realized that it was not well:
 Yeah...that doesn't look right.

Here's another picture of the bark - I guess despite covering it up at this stage, too much of the infrastructure had been damaged. We are so bummed. That tree had such beautiful red fall foliage and was one we planted in the hopes of one day re-developing our tree canopy, after losing so many trees in our back yard.

It isn't helping that nearly every time the kids play outside, they find another pile of deer poop that we have to shovel up.

Fortunately the other maple in the front seems to have recovered:
And rather than dwell on our sad dead tree, here's our lovely summer garden at the moment. We have black-eyed susans (though sparser than last year on one side of the yard for some reason),  some echinacea/coneflowers and Russian sage.
Here are some surprisingly happy red and pink roses, despite my utter lack of effort:
And new this year, a hibiscus plant we bought last summer, probably as an impulse purchase at Home Depot or something. The flowers are huge - toddler hand for scale:

One tree, all things considered, is not too bad. But I'm still beginning to hate the deer fouling our yard.

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