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Sunday, January 8, 2017


2017 is here so it's time to look back at last year's goals and set some new ones for this year. In looking at how we did, I see we managed to reach both our top-2, so that's pretty good! 

The first (in case you don't want to click back) was to undergo our most extensive remodel to-date and convert the breezeway into an indoor space. Done and done! And we couldn't be happier. I was skeptical that the project would be worth the price tag but it turns out that has become one of our favorite rooms of the house. And the additional attic space that we created overhead has had a follow-on effect that has let us move junk out of other rooms to hide up there, freeing up space in the garage and the basement too. Hurray!

The second goal was to hire cleaning help. Well we went through 3 cleaning people but finally found someone that we like (plus a back-up if necessary). I'm happy to report that I haven't scrubbed a toilet in about a year now (I just put away tons of baby and toddler messes all day, every day). Worth it! I don't think I can go back to cleaning all by myself. Now can they just come nightly to cook me dinner?

Goal 3, converting to natural gas, turns out to be impossible without some very pricy structural changes. We had someone come look and because our furnace is right below our kitchen window, it's not a simple matter of just bringing the gas line to the house and switching out the appliances.

Goal 4 - those darn doors again! It's been on the list since 2013 and apparently will be for yet another year...

Enough looking back, time to look forward - 

1. 2. and 3. Organize, organize, organize! This is going to be an ongoing theme for the year, and one we started about a month ago. This is a multi-step plan to thin out what we have plus put it away more efficiently. We have blueprints, we have items in our shopping cart, and we have weekend plans to tackle the toy problem (i.e. the office), the linen closet, and the kitchen.

4. Automate and make life easier - this one is already mostly accomplished thanks to a purchase we made a few days ago (does that count? it's like making a to-do list just for the satisfaction of crossing things off). Stay tuned for an update later this month.

5. Fix the doorbell. It's annoying. But it is also probably expensive.

Happy 2017! Do you have any house-related resolutions?

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