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Monday, September 9, 2013

The Big Mural Reveal

Tah-dah! Say hello to my new jungle friends:
They are all plagiarized borrowed from various internet art sights that have been repeated so many times that I don't have a clue of the original source (if you search for "cartoon monkey" "cartoon parrot" etc. these are some of the top hits). And of course I added a few personal touches.

Here's a pictures from farther away, so you can see it more in the context of the rest of the room (see the grass down at the level of the wood trim?).
Let me briefly tell you about these two pieces of furniture too, since you can see them. We followed our normal process for furniture shopping: 1) check Ikea first and find some things we like, but decide we should branch out; 2) look around at other furniture stores and discover that we hate most other styles and the few that we do like are incredibly expensive (i.e we did not like the cribs sold at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us but we did like the ones at Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn for, literally 6 times more); 3) check Craigslist and other used sites for used versions of the expensive furniture that we like; 4) eventually give up and buy at Ikea.

So the crib is Gulliver, in birch. The dresser - because we could not find a changing table we liked - is Mandal. It's actually the same furniture line as our bed, which we thought would give us some nice flexibility when we inevitably rearrange what goes where. Our bedroom and the nursery now share the same birch and white (and, for that matter, blue and green - though in very different intensities).

And our last reveal for the night - fishies! I extended the mural into a small underwater scene inside the window cubby:

1 comment:

ten said...

I once innocently took my toddlers to the aquarium... and had to endure nightmares about fish under their beds. Who knew fish were scary?

I think these are adorable; I hope baby does, too!