Because really, it's a microwave - pretty hard to live without (I did it once while studying abroad - it involved reheating everything by frying it in oil). And so we continue to use it. But is it safe? I can't imagine that plastic is all that is standing between us and the microwave radiation. But somehow I don't want to be in the kitchen when it's on.
On a related note - it looks like the measurements for over-the-stove microwaves are pretty standard and we could just go to Home Depot, Lowes, etc. and buy a new one. Any insights into the installation? Is it doable by us? Keep in mind that "us" involves a little baby now, so we might not be quite as able as we used to be (or at least that at any given point, one of us might have to go deal with baby drama). And yes, I've googled for this - but what I'm looking for is first-hand experience. Have you done it? Was it hard?
Please help!